Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another Blizzard

That's Right, another blizzard in the land of Fargo. We now have more snow than we know what to do with. We are running out of room to put it all, so shoveling is getting interesting. However, Jennings loves it. Everyday we get home and all Jennings says is shovel. He loves to get out his little red shovel and help Daddy.
We took advantage of all of the snow and went sledding in our front yard. Jennings also made his first snowball with a little help from Daddy.

We discovered that we love peanut butter toast. Don't know if it's the taste or the mess. Either way, it's fun!

We also played dress up. Jennings loves putting on his Handy Mann costume and fixing things around the house. Just like Dad.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Toys

Well, my husband decided to get me a new toy for Christmas this year, a new camera. I am so excited. I hated our old camera with a passion and love the new one. There is only 1 problem, our computer is a little too dated to deal with all the new high tech stuff it comes with. Hence the absence of pictures from Christmas. It took me for ever to figure out what I was doing wrong and the answer is... the memory card is too big for our old computer to read. So, i put the old little one in and here are a couple of pictures of Jennings with his new toys.

His new big boy dump truck, or as he calls it his "Dumpa Truck"!

Elmer Fud hat, just like Daddy has!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Crazy Christmas

Christmas this year was a little bit different than it normally would have been. OK, a lot different. Mom had to work Christmas Day, so we were going to have Grandma and Grandpa Kuhne come up Christmas Day for Kuhne Christmas and Grandma and Grandpa Galvan come up the next day. However, we had a pretty big blizzard so no one was able to make it up to the great white north. Jennings and Daddy spent the entire weekend shoveling snow, and Mom was stuck sleeping at the hospital, to make sure there were people there to do the work. More of our Christmas story and photos to come!