Thursday, March 25, 2010

Terrible 2

That's right, we now officially have a 2 year old. How did he get to be 2, I don't know. It feels like yesterday that he was home with me learning how to smile or roll over or even walk. He has grown up so fast that we can hardly believe it. He has turned into a wonderful little man. He has his moments, that is for sure, but he is a great little kid. He brings more joy to our life than we thought possible and we love watching him learn new things everyday!
Jennings had lots of fun for his birthday. We had his party at the YMCA. they have a huge kids play land that he and all his friends went nuts at. By the time we left everyone needed a nap, even Moms and Dads! Here are some of the stand out moments.

Openings tons of Birthday presents.

Eating cake and ice cream.

And playing with all of his great friends!

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